Mul on pikemat aega lugemisel päris mitu raamatut. Ent päris lõpuni pole vahepeal ühegagi jõudnud. Seepärast ka tavatult pikk paus postituste vahel.
Gregory David Robertsi
Shantaramiga alustasin juba suvel, kuid nüüd on see mu kapinurgale väga pikaks ajaks seisma jäänud. Lihtsalt aega on vaja, et süveneda, kuna see raamat nõuab pühendumist. Teine põhjus võib olla see, et ma ei tahagi, et see läbi saaks.
Amazonist leidsin suurepärase kommentaari
Shantarami kohta. Kuna ilmselt ei leiaks isegi paremaid sõnu, siis siin see on:
Best Book of 2005, September 14, 2006
By Patrick M. Blackburn "BruinsRule23"
This review is from: Shantaram (Paperback)
It's just not fair. Gregory David Roberts is one of the best writers of our time, and I do not make that statement lightly. I am usually a 350-400 page novel-reader -- I like to get in and get out. But after reading the first paragraph (I dare you to read it and NOT be interested in seeing where he goes), I couldn't stop thinking about it. Actually, I read the first paragraph in Borders, put it down and went home. I simply didn't want to start a 900 page novel. But I couldn't get the passage out of my head the whole night, and returned the next day to purchase it. This book is magical. It reads like the best non-fiction adventure novel (!) ever written. I gave the book to my dad for his birthday and about a month later asked him how it was going. He told me that he had 100 pages left but hadn't read in two weeks because he "didn't want it to end."
Instead of a synopsis of the book, which is available in so many places, I thought I'd tell you my thoughts about the book and how it impacted me and those around me. I hope it helps. I tell everyone about this book and always say the same two things:
1) Don't let the 900 pages scare you.
2) Read the first paragraph. If you aren't interested in that, don't go on. But if that paragraph doesn't inspire you, I have no idea why you read in the first place. You can read the first page here on Amazon. Hiljuti leidsin viimaks ometi ühest antikvariaadist Alex Garlandi
The Beachi eestikeelse versiooni Rand. Seegi raamat on mul hetkel pooleli, kuid tõenäoliselt saab minu mõtteid selle kohta juba õige pea lugeda.
Raamatu filmiversiooni olen mitmeid kordi vaadanud ning see on pannud mindki unistama sarnasest põgenemisest reaalsusest ning paradiisiotsingutest. Teame aga, et filmi lõpuks veendub Richard, et paradiis pole mitte koht kaardil, vaid hoopis tunne.. miski, mis tuleks enda seest leida :)
Sirvinud ja tükati lugenud olen veel teisigi raamatuid - Anne Jirschi
Intuitsiooni, Krayoni üht raamatutest, Andragoogika õpikut (jah, kool algas jälle) ja ühtteist muudki. Püüan end jälle sügistalvisesse lugemisrütmi saada ning eks siis hakkab ka postitusi regulaarsemalt ilmuma :)